Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

BREXIT: Game Changer for the UK and the EU? What to Expect Next

EU leaders have already met to ponder over the way forward after Britons surprised the world by voting to leave the EU. Ex-PM David Cameroon urged the EU to give Britain more control over immigration. Cameroon had promised the EU leaders in the run-up to the referendum that he would deliver the win. EU leaders may blame him for allowing the Brexit referendum in the first place, but as he explained, the pressure was too huge to avoid.
At the EU summit in Brussels, French President Francois Hollande, made it clear that UK must be ready to bear the consequences of leaving the biggest single market union. It is not business as usual, U.K. won’t enjoy the advantages of the EU single market after rescinding its membership without applying the rules governing trade in the monetary union, reported Bloomberg.
Ben Bernanke weighed in his thoughts on Brexit. The former chairman of Federal Open Market Committee and leading US economist says that the biggest loser is Britons themselves.  The votes open doors to numerous political and economic uncertainties in the UK. Uncertainty about how the UK will manage the trade rules with its neighbors in continental Europe. The fate of workers in the UK of foreign origin as well as UK workers in EU countries. Bernanke also makes a case on the uncertainty over the political direction the deeply divided country will take going forward.
-See more at:  https://www.hiwayfx.com/forex-articles/brexit-game-changer-uk-and-eu-what-expect-next

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